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Inspiration from Behind the Lens Continued

   Every Sunday evening during Church our Pastor’s Great Grandchildren and our son play together. They usually play in the pew behind us and are usually pretty quiet. However just like any youngster that has set too long they tend to get louder and we have to turn around and shush them. Both I and the other parents sing during the service so all our kids have grown up around music. My son even sings with me in church and does really well for a four year old (not just a proud Dad talking either, ask the congregation).
   Our Pastor’s Great Grandson is almost a year and a half old now and on this one Sunday night he was rather wound up and making some noise. I turn around to see what our kids are into this time and he had gotten a hymnal out of the pew, opened it, and was singing at the top of his lungs. Of course he only says a few words and we couldn’t understand what he was singing but it was still beautiful. Even better God was listening to that little child sing praises to him.
   As parents it’s our job to raise up our children to fear and love God. Taking them to church is one important way. Another is the way we live out lives at Church, home, work, and in the community. My own son looks forward to church every Sunday and Wednesday. He even got upset when it snowed and  mommy couldn’t get out on the road, while I was at work, and told her to put a snowplow on the car so she could get him to church. Children pick up on EVERYTHING that we say and do. By going to church every Sunday, taking part in the service, and how we behave outside of church we’re training them how to serve our Lord.

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