This time of year we begin to see artist all over the web reaching out and asking for your vote...WHY? What is the reward? Some piece of glass or plastic you can put up on a shelf somewhere and gather dust? What do they think this will do for them? Gain them attention? fame? promotion? Do they actually think this will help them get bookings? I actually saw a woman this week asking for people to vote for her for female vocalist of the year when she hasn't darkened a church door in over two years! and beside that hasn't had a song on the radio ever!!! What are you looking for? Lets face it, we all have seem it and some of you have even done it. Well, the truth is unless your at the level where your being considered for a Dove Award, THIS WILL DO NOTHING FOR YOU!! Well at least nothing positive. Yes, it will allow you to pat yourself on the back and tell people how proud and honored you are. Really? honored to have begged for an award that means nothing!! In a recent pastoral survey asking pastors why they no longer have gospel groups in their churches, one of the top 3 things listed was that artist just want to stand on stage and tell people what awards they have one. Get a clue!! If your doing this maybe that's why your unable to get any bookings!! Associations offering awards to there members but you have to be present to win!!! REALLY!!! Or even better, every artist who shows up will win an award!! Or how about this one, you've been nominated but you have to pay a membership fee and become a member in order to vote for yourself!! REALLY!!! Get a clue, begging is unbecoming and boasting is not biblical. The only reward that you should be concerned about is the reward that you are laying up in heaven and the reward we get when we see someone kneeling at the alter at one of your concerts. And if that's not happening, search your heart for the priority of rewards in your life and your ministry.
From the desk of T.D.Johnson Director of Ministry Development - Southern Gospel Music Talent
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