Words That Should Not Be Allowed To Vanish Concluded

   These are a few of the evangelical terms and concepts I feel we should not lose from our sermons, churches, conversations or our gospel songs. We should worship and praise the Lord with our songs, yes, but we must also remember we have a responsibility to tell the lost of their need for salvation and to encourage each other as fellow Christians to live lives that are pleasing and obedient to Him. So let us write and choose to sing gospel songs that speak the gospel truthfully in urgency, for this is love, to show others their need before it is too late. Let us bear, write and sing the name of Christ boldly, declaring our faith publically, giving our testimony as witness to the miracles He has wrought in our souls and in our lives. Let us encourage people to come to the altar and to give their lives to Him so they can participate in our praise and worship of Him and have understanding of the joy this brings. These words need to remain in our gospel song vocabulary to accomplish this.

For more information visit www.throughhisgracemusic.com or e-mail: pf2@eastlink.ca


Listen to Penny’s Song Copyright 2009: “Go And Tell”


Penny L. Ferguson

87 Springwaters Place

Valley, Nova Scotia Canada  B6L 2V2

(902) 895-1345


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