The Bible says in Psalms 37:1 “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
I believe worry is a violation of God’s commandments. Worry is a sin!
I am guilty of worry, depression and such as much as any. My mother died suddenly when I was 18. I was in the Army and part of a “police action” in the Dominican Republic. No warnings of her death. A headache and 30 minutes later, she was dead.
As many of you, I have had many setbacks and problems most of my life. Sixteen years ago, I was notified that my son was missing on January 14th. We didn’t know he had drowned and frozen over until March 19th. Believe me, this was the hardest thing to deal with in my life.
I could go on and on, just as you could possibly fill pages with the problems and trials you have had. The trials don’t stop. The Devil sends the trials and God gives you the FAITH to go on in spite of those trials.
Paul even wrote to count it all joy when you fall into temptation and trials. If the trials and temptations did not come, you would not grow. Also remember that if The Devil did not think you were a threat to him, he wouldn’t bother giving you all the trouble.
The bottom line is that “The World” does not understand, nor do they want to understand the matters of The Spiritual Realm. We have learned to go for the “quick fix”. Taking medicine is a quick fix. Being diagnosed with depression gives you a reason why you have depression. This is not your fauld!
There is a cause for depression. Things happen. Life isn’t fair. It’s physical. The truth is the cause for depression is that you give in to circumstances instead of realizing that you can fight the circumstances. In my case, my mother is dead: my son is dead: things have happened that hurt. BUT IT’S NOT MY FAULT! I can fill myself with guilt and blame, but let’s face it: I’M NOT ALONE. God is with me. He is my strength. However, just as it is to become physically strong, you must exercise. To be healthy, you must eat and live properly. To become Spiritually strong, you must also exercise. “Study to show thyself approved”. You must turn to God; read the Bible; pray and build up your faith by the way you respond to those circumstances.
No one said it would be easy. What would you rather do? Have faith in God and address the causes of your depression and fight or: take the easy way and give in to the depression and hope you will get better? By the way, why do you think they give the warning in the anti-depressant ads: May cause thoughts of suicide”. God does not cause you to want to commit suicide. Faith does not cause you to want to commit suicide. Suicide is a lack of faith, you give up.