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Television! My, How Things Change.

By James E. Crigger


   I know that some watch TV more than others.  Perhaps you have to be my age to notice the changes being made.  There used to be a code which kept television acceptable for the family.  That code doesn’t exist any longer.
   My generation grew up on shows like Red Skeleton; Jack Benny; Bob Hope; Make Room For Daddy; Father Knows Best and on and on.
   Now we not only have an abundance of “sex” on television but we are now bombarded with “demonic” programming.

   There is a program called “Supernatural”.  A multitude of vampire and zombie programs.  Get this, there is a new program coming on called “Lucifer”
   On just about every channel you will find an abundance of  “four letter words”.
   I’m reminded of the old story of putting a frog in hot water and he will jump out immediately.  If you put that frog in cold water and turn the heat on, he will stay there till he’s cooked.  This is exactly what has been happening within the media and the world in general.  If these changes would have taken place immediately even in the 60’s, there would be an outcry, boycotts and turning off of the TV sets across America.
   But, the powers that be are smart.  They turned the heat up gradually and we accepted these gradual changes as a part of the changing society.
   Society has changed, and so has God’s church!  We are the ones who have sat back and complacently allowed these things to happen.  Not only in TV but within society.  Prayer in schools; we allowed it.  Bad programming in television; we allowed it.  A corrupt government; we allowed it.  For those who refuse to act, they have no choice but to accept what happens.
   So you say you tried.  This may be true, but to make a change you have to have a strong, unified, loud voice.  Christians are far from being organized when it comes to things outside of their church, or denomination.  We fight things like how to baptize; speaking in tongues; what day to worship on and many other petty things. 
   If we unite as “children of God - Christians” instead of church members, we might be able to make a change.  I recently heard that 43 atheists are suing the United States to take “In God We Trust” off of our money.  “Forty Three Atheists”.  You might say how can that few people do that.  Well, one person; Madelyn Murray O’Hare took prayer out of the schools.
   We don’t need to argue about gun control or the government.  If we would be about “Our Father’s Business”, spreading the Gospel and Salvation message of Jesus Christ instead of what church to go to, we could change the people that are now making these changes.
   Whoever fights against each other can never succeed!  Those who join together for a cause can never be defeated.  Jesus Christ was the cause 2000 years ago and 12 people changed the world.  Do we have 12 Christians who are dedicated enough to sacrifice and do what is necessary to spread the message of Salvation and how that Salvation is the only thing that will stop killing; robbery; hate; indifference and everything that separates us.
   Whites against blacks; Catholics against Protestants; Atheists against God; all of this would stop if they were able to see the true example of being a Christian as the 12 Disciples did.
   Right now, the world sees “Christians” fighting; cursing; lying; cheating and all those things the world sees and does.  The Bible says “Be Ye Separate” not “be like everyone else.
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