This past month has been rough. Between work and life at home it seems like everything went wrong all at once. In one week I was told I need new brakes and rotors all the way around on my car, the shocks are about gone, and the water line burst under my house shooting out over 8000 gallons while we slept. Yes that’s a lot of water to loose. At work between people not showing up for shifts and many other things that went wrong it’s been very stressful. While all of this was happening I did get begin to let it get to me and I questioned why God was allowing all of this to happen. He reminded me of Job and all the trials he went through. I began to think what I am dealing with is not near as bad as what he had to go through but I still questioned where God was in all of this. I felt like I had been abandoned or forgotten. At one point, I’m ashamed to admit, I felt one Sunday after work why should I even go to church. But then I began to think that is what the devil would want me to do. If I didn’t go then I would let him win. I went to church anyways and had a wonderful time singing His praises and hearing his word. While my problems didn’t go away. They did seem to get a little smaller. I began to remember God’s promise that He would take care of me. He didn’t promise that this journey would be easy but He did say that He would never leave or forsake me. I can take joy in knowing that He will see me through all the trials I might face as well as all the good times I will have. |