Love is what the world needs to see. Love is what Christianity is supposed to be. Read “The Love Chapter” I Corinthians, Chapter 13. How can we say to the world that we love them and be condemning at the same time. If Jesus condmened us in the same manner we sometimes condemn others, where would we be. Even we who call ourselves Christian do not always show the love to others that God showed to us. Remember the Adulterous. Jesus said, “he who is without sin, cast the first stone”. They all dropped their rocks and left. The law said to condemn, Jesus said to love. Why do we have a ministry? Our answer is “to serve the Lord and spread the Gospel”. That is the correct answer. The Gospel is Love, Jesus is Love. Where God guides, God provides. This may be the difference. Has God guided us to our ministries, or are we just trying to do a “good thing”. If God has guided, there is no reason to worry about money. It will come. If we are just doing something good, then when the money runs out, our “ministry” runs out. It is not enough to do good works just because it is what we should do. A ministry is doing good works because God called you and said, you have no choice, DO IT! | Jesus had been calling Saul. He had no choice. Jesus blinded him and said “why do you kick at the pricks” In other words, why don’t you do what I told you to do? We should all “do good” but that doesn’t make it a ministry. That makes it “Christianity” If you can get out of bed and God specifically said “DO IT”, then you have a ministry. God will bless it in every way! Psalm 37:3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. 