Two rough pieces of timber and three nails didn’t hold my savior on the cross. His love for me and you did. Jesus was beaten and abused for hours before he was even nailed to the cross. I believe that only his willpower and even strength from our Father above kept him alive till he came to the cross. He had a mission to compete. He had to save us from our sins. Can you imagine going through what he did? Being whipped and beaten, hair being pulled out. Pulling one hair out hurts but to have a handful pulled out at one time… Then being forced to carry a log till He collapsed from exhaustion and then having nails driven into your body. How many of you would have gone through all of this just to save someone? Jesus did this for us before we were even created and for everyone that hasn’t been born yet.
With those last three words, “It is finished”, Jesus won the battle for our souls. I am so thankful for this wonderful gift. I don’t know that I will ever be able to thank Him enough when I join Him in heaven even with all of eternity to do so. |