“My, What Big Teeth You Have...” Continued!

   Recently, through a series of questionable events, namely, the many excuses made as to why I couldn't meet these girls, I began to consider a frightening scenario--that the girls were not real. Despite having a handful of pictures, numerous exchanges via email, Facebook and twitter, as well as hearing their voices through plagiarized music, I found out that the wife and girls were, in fact, NOT REAL.  With the help of a trusted and loyal friend, it was discovered that these girls (as well as many other made up characters/friends, including a music label!) were all one person in disguise--this man--
who had been helping me in attempt to get close to me. I have since notified authorities and thanks be to God all contacts have been immediately severed. This person has learned a great deal of information about me and has even been to my place of work. Along the way, he has done many kind things to help my career along and did enough caring things to earn some trust and respect from me; however, it was, sad to say, a predatory ploy.
    Friends, especially, women, please, please, please be aware of all forms of social media and especially online dating (something I have never done but know many who have). DO NOT post suggestive pictures of yourself in any shape way or form--especially in a bathing suit! I did not do this but "the girls" kept trying to get me to do so. These predators keep these pictures in their homes and the Lord only knows what they do with them--the same is true for ANY picture that you have posted of yourself in a public forum and this person does have other pictures of me. The old adage is still true: if it doesn't seem real, it isn't! It does not matter how nice, how kind, how thoughtful, how funny or how charming a person may seem. Moreover, there were various off-color jokes and statements made, too, but I tried to weigh the good vs. the bad and chose to believe the best, given the situation they all supposedly came from—a compromise on my part.
    If there ever was a time to believe that there are two kingdoms in this world (good vs. evil, God vs. Satan) it is now. I still cannot believe someone can mastermind such an operation especially while claiming to be a person of faith. Again, if something feels "off" or suspicious in your gut, then it more than likely is. Trust the Holy Spirit who is guiding you and leading you into all TRUTH (John 16:13). Despite the fact that the Bible says the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, God still wants you to have "life and life more abundantly." (John 10:10) Trust God, not man, with your future.
Allow me to encourage you to read His Holy Word daily, pray without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17) and turn to others for counsel when needed. The Bible says there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel (Prov 15:22). I hope and pray that this humiliating story saves someone's life as God was gracious enough to spare mine. Again, I never knew God would have a greater message for me and purpose when I initially wrote a song about internet dangers.
    I thank you for your time in reading this eye opening information in an age dominated by technology and social media. In Mathew 7:15, Jesus warned his followers about false prophets. He described them as “ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing”. Hence, the popular phrase, A wolf in sheep’s clothing; a term used to describe individuals who play a role contrary to their real character and who are, in fact, dangerous-- despite appearing otherwise.  Please take heed.
Until next time, "I Only Know To Pray" for you all...
Sherry Anne

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"I Only Know To Pray" By Sherry Anne

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