Western Books Concluded

Willow Cain Cowgirl at Heart


Cowgirl at Heart

Book #5

   Willow Cain is the daughter of Will and Ellie Andrews Cain of Sugar Creek, Oklahoma. As a teenager, she met and fell in love with Gavin Caldwell, son of Jimmy and Cassadee Hampton Larmer. They had plans to marry until Willow decided to pursue her life-long dream of becoming a nurse. That changed everything. At Healing Hands Medical School, in Rising Run, Kansas, she met River Stone, who was on his way of becoming a doctor. They became best friends.
   On an afternoon walk with her friend, Skylar Cole, their lives quickly changed. Nearing death, both girls wondered if they would ever see their parents again. Held captive, and starving, they realized that this could be the end for them.
   Will they survive? Join me in the continuing saga of this 'Will Cain' western series.

Sally Campbell Repass


   Sally Campbell Repass is a loving mother to 6 children, 7 grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter. She spent most of her life caring for her family. For almost three years, she was sole caregiver to her husband, Paul, who passed away in 2013 from Colon cancer.
   She has always had a creative mind, writing poems, songs, and scary stories, when she was young. It wasn't until 2010, that she decided to try writing a novel. Now in 2014, she has published her 16th novel, and has no plans to quit writing.
   At the request of her brother, Bill Campbell, she wrote her first western novel, 'A Man Called Cain' in 2014. This was more of a challenge than her other books, but she loved every minute of it and decided to write this sequel. This turned into more books. She is now working on book #6 in her 'Will Cain Series'. She plans to continue writing in this series.
   A special thanks to 'Hannah Grace Photography' of Marion, Virginia, for providing Sally's Author's photo for this western series.

www.sallycampbellrepass.com     virginiawriter2010@gmail.com

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