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Chapter 1: Basically, John is addressing his credentials and his right to speak the words of the Lord. John says in the 7th verse to listen. He that overcometh will go to heaven. I believe that this means that your work for God which comes from your salvation is meant to continue and grow. To endure means to bear with all that comes. I believe when he says he will remove your candlestick. He means that if you fall, if you do not endure and overcome, you can lose your |
candlestick (salvation)
Smyrna. Again, God knows their works, their trials and their poverty. But He says they are rich. We do not recognize that kind of richness. It's not money. We are rich in the fact that we suffer because of our stand and our work for Jesus. The prosperity message includes this kind of richness. If Jesus attributes their poverty and trials to richness, then prosperity cannot mean financial. Jesus addresses the fact that they will not tolerate those who say they are Jews (Christians) but are not. We have these false Christians within our churches today. NOTICE THAT THE ADDRESS TO THE CHURCHES IS NOT TO A BUILDING OR CITY BUT THE CHURCH (GOD'S CHILDREN) WHO ARE IN THAT CITY. A further attribute to the fact that the church is not whatever you call your group or building. The church in Smyrna are told to not fear the suffering. He even shows that the devil will bring even further torture and torment. We are to faithful unto death to receive the crown of life. I believe this once more attributes the fact that our place in heaven is not due to one event or one statement of our repentance. It means that we must continue walking for God and with God til our death or he will not give us the "crown of life". If we overcome (endure) will not feel the second death. The second death, I believe is being judged to go to Hell.
Pergamum. We are told that this church is in the middle of where Satan dwells (kind of like us in Athens County). They have not denied their faith, even when others were killed for their walk with Christ. But yet, Jesus says He has a few things against them. The thing against them is that they allow people within their fellowship who do not follow Jesus and obey His commandments. These non-Christians are a stumbling block to God's children. Many churches today fit within this church. They allow false prophets to speak and hold office and teach our children. Fornication is not sex, it is putting something before God. This fornication can include a person, or even a church if we put that before the commandments of God. This church is told that if they overcome, they will eat of the hidden manna (the blessings of God) and will receive a new name that only they will know. In my opinion that name can include being Christian. |