A Study of the Address to The Churches Concluded!

   Because they are luke-warm, they become like many Christians who think they are going to make it whether they do anything or not. Because they are convinced of their perfection it is almost impossible to convince them that they are wrong and need to change.
   In verse 17 they are told that they think they don't need anything. They don't realize that they have nothing. They are told to seek (or buy) the things they know are good. To follow the teachings of Jesus. To be on fire with that knowledge that they are truly a Child of God.
   The 19th verse is important to learn in a church world that thinks God will not punish them. Some even believe they cannot go to Hell because God is a loving God. He is a loving God, but as it says in this verse that those whom God loves, he also chastens. To escape this chastisement, to escape Hell, He says to repent.
   Jesus is knocking, telling us when we are wrong and showing us the door of repentance and salvation. We must open the door. He will not open it for us. (So much for believing that we have to have everything we need before we will do anything for God. We must open the door, He will show us what we need when we need it).
   It is important to notice in the 21st verse that those who overcome will set beside God on His throne..
   Again, He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.


   I have studied The Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ more than any other book.  Since I was called to preach at the age of 11 years old.
   I have seen those who take Revelation literally, some figuratively and others just scratch their head and avoid it.
   The Book of Revelation is a very important book.  Important for the Christian.  We must “rightfully divide the Word of God”.  To do this, you must pray, study and then pray some more.
   This article shows insight that I believe God has given me.  Recognize that the “Address to The Churches” are not meant to be directed to a “denomination”.  They are meant to pertain to us.  If our actions or life follows one of these churches, then Jesus is addressing YOU!
   You may agree or dis-agree with my thoughts.  Your agreement is not necessary.   For you to study and let God show you is necessary.  If we do not study The Bible and truly understand The Bible, then we cannot be surprised when The Lord, at Judgment day says:  I gave you the truth and you didn’t even try to understand it. 
   We reap what we sow.  God cares that you understand His Word and then he expects for you to carry out His commandments and to reach out and help others.

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