I was reading about Moses and how he led the children of Israel out of Egypt. After he led them across the Red Sea and they were in the desert on the way to Mount Siani the Israelites began to complain about not having the food they were used to in Egypt. God heard their groaning and gave them mana from Heaven 6 mornings a week. On the sixth day they were supposed to gather double to cover the sixth and seventh day. They were only to collect what they would eat in one day and no more. How much was that supposed to be? The Bible says God commanded them on omer per person. I’ve read these passages a number of times and never thought once about it but this time I thought how much is an omer, so I began to look into it.
In Exodus 16:36 it says an omer is one tenth of an ephah. Well that helps….. How much is an ephah? I could go into more details and look into other measurements and other things but I came across a devotional from a man named Ron Edmondson. He put is simply to what an omer and an ephah is. He said “the answer I think lies more in what I don’t know that it does in what I do. You see, it doesn’t really matter! What matters is that the omer was just enough! It was all they needed for the day. No more…. And no les! And you know what the best news of the day is? God’s word promises to His children today is that He will still provide for us our omer!”
In the end I never really found out what a omer is but I did learn that God will always make sure we have what we need. No more and no less. |