Upon leaving Yellowstone at the North gate (Montana) we discovered that there was a town called Yellowstone, Montana. We stopped immediately when we saw two adult elks and two young elks just lying and not even caring that they were lying in the median of the highway. People got out of their cars and approached the elk (which is illegal) and at one point caused the babies to rise and show distress. Then the adults did the same. Thankfully, the elk were not agitated enough to attack.
In Montana we found lots of scenery similar to that of the previous states. Some of the rock formations were noticeably different and showed volcanic origins.
As of this writing, we are in Butte, Montana heading on west to Seattle, Washington. Perhaps we can offer more photos (I took over 6000 photos so far) and can offer more insight into the pleasures of “Westward Ho” and “Go West Young Man”.
See ya next issue. |
