I recently read an article about how Noah built the ark and the animals that were in it during the flood. It said that there was only room for two of each species and that it would not be possible to hold two of each kind of animal let alone care for them. I couldn’t believe what this article was saying. Not only did God told Noah how to build the ark but how many of each kind of animal to take not species. Some he told to take by sevens and some by twos. This is a lot of animals. Think of all the different kinds of dogs there are. At least two of each kind was on the ark. They didn’t all come from one kind or evolve over the years like some people would try to tell us. Isn’t this amazing to think of the great miracle God did here. This is my opinion but I also think that the inside of the ark was bigger than the outside. God knew what He was doing and made sure that two of every kind of animal, not species was taken. And yes this would be a lot of animals for eight people to take care of each day for the whole year they were on the ark but I also believe that God helped them to make sure that each and every animal was cared for and healthy the entire time. What an awesome God we serve that can take one man to build a vessel that was able to hold all that He had created. |