
We used to be a country who had prayer in schools. Our favorite TV programs would refer to God and prayer was a part of their program. We were respected, even feared by other countries because we were a nation of God.
Following 911, we have become a nation of fear. We have forgotten to put our trust in to protect our children and our nation. Even our churches are living in fear. Afraid to preach the WORD of God |
because we might offend someone. The truth is offensive to those who oppose the truth. The Word of God should offend those who do not live by faith and those who do not follow the laws of God.
The first sign of wisdom is to fear God. The first sign of failure is to turn away from God. We not only need to once again become “One nation under God”, we must begin by becoming “One church under God”.
Jesus was not Methodist, Pentecostal, Baptist or any denomination. “A house divided against itself shall not stand”. We are not followers of a man-made denomination, we are followers of Jesus Christ. “One Way”.
We are not saved by the “church of whatever”, we are saved by Jesus who gave His life for us. Has your denomination gave it’s life for you? Have they sacrificed for you? Or, are you only asked to give to them. We must give to one another. Welfare, whether from an organization or from the government is not what God meant in Luke 6:38. “Give and it shall be given to you means give to one another and they will give back.
We must unite through Christ not divide ourselves by petty differences in doctrine. There is only one doctrine: ”Jesus Christ, and Him crucified”. The world does not and will not respect a church that is divided, fighting each other and divided by little things. They used to respect and follow a nation who followed One God, One Saviour and One Jesus.
If we believe that these are the last days, we must be about our Father’s business. To go unto the world and preach the Gospel. The world will not come to us and we cannot preach the Gospel in a closed room where we are afraid to say the name of Jesus Christ because we might offend someone. “If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamedf of you”. Mark 8:38.
America became a nation when we fought religious injustice and persecution. America sends our children to other countries to fight against tyrany and injustice. Why should Americans accept the injustice of telling us how we must serve our God. The Declaration of Independence says we have the right to serve God, not to hide.
If we offend someone, let them not listen. That is what we must do when they offend us. That is what freedom is all about: the right to speak.
As it says in Revelation 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. We must light the fire of our religious beliefs and convictions and stand against any who would try and take away the rights given by God and those who died defending those rights.