In my opinion, denominations were sanctioned by Satan. How else to keep Christians from uniting than to separate them by petty disagreements and opinions. I am not saying that these people are not saved. I am not saying that they do not love God. I AM SAYING: Denominations prevent us from working together and helping one another in our war against sin and satan.
The world is looking at Christians very critically. At one time, they looked to us as an example. We have become a bad example. At one time, they looked to us for leadership. A leader must unite and lead, not separate those who would follow. A Christian leader must lead us to the unity in Jesus Christ, our Savior. They must lead us to Salvation through one Christ, not leading us to separation through many denominations.
Think of this! If there is only ONE CHRIST and only ONE SALVATION. Why are so many denominations trying to tell us different ways to get there. THERE IS ONLY ONE! You’re either ”FOR ME OR AGAINST ME” Where are you? |