Jesus is talking through John in the book of Revelation to the seven churches and to us. In this part of the second chapter He is talking to us about our service and love we show God. He knows our works and what we have done. He knows about how we feel about those who do not follow God and how we have made sure that those who say they followers of God are really that. He talks to them about how He knows that they have labored for them and not given up but he knows that the passion they once felt for Him has faltered. They are doing all these great things but have forgotten why they did them or not even trying as hard as they used to. It sounds like they have just got a little lazy. He tells them to repent, ask for forgiveness and turn back and do what they did when they first believed, warning them that if they don’t he would remove their candlestick from it’s place (I believe this means removing your name from the book of life). He commends them for standing against the way the Nicolations act. The Nicolations are believed to be a sect of Christians that would eat food sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality and encouraging others to do the same thing leading a life of self indulgence. The final part of this letter tells us to listen to what the Spirit of God is telling us. It also says that those who overcome and hold firm to His word will be able to eat from the tree of life which is in Heaven.
The same goes for us. We need to be careful that we don’t get lazy in our walk with Christ. With all the things that are going on in the world today we can easily get discouraged. Don’t give up and don’t give in to what the world does. I’ve seen people who use to go to church get discouraged and give up. That’s not what Christ wants us to do. He says there will be tough times in our lives but He will always provide a way out. We have to keep strong and hold on. The reward we will receive one day will be worth it all. Reading the Bible every day and going to church are important. They give us spiritual food so that we can survive in this world. |