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Master's Promise 1

   There is always a beginning to any God called ministry.  The beginning of Master’s Promise is their family.
   On the right are Rachel & Hannah’s parents:  Jeff & Rhonda SanCricca.
   On the left is Katelyn’s mother Amy Montgomery.

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   The most beautiful part of a God-called family ministry is the sacrifices that are made for each other, but specially the sacrifices made for God.  Anyone who thinks a traveling ministry is just fun and games are very mistaken.  The vehicle breaks down, the love offering is less than the cost of getting there, sickness, stress; all of these things would make one give up.  The reason they don’t is dedication.

   Rachel & Hannah SanCricca and Katelyn Montgomery are dedicated.  Dedicted to God, dedicated to family, dedicated to each other and dedicated to leading people to the Lord, Jesus Christ and His salvation.

   It sometimes seems as if altar calls are a thing of the past.  Not so in a Master’s Promise program.  The altar call is the reason they’re there.


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   Rachel, who initially formed the group is extremely concerned about ministry.  She just graduated from High School and is excited about how much more she can do in ministry with the extra time she now has.    I have known them for almost 2 years and have always felt the love of Christ in them.

   For bookings or more information, check out their website:
   Go to the Next Page to hear and see a song Rachel wrote titled “Not Alone”.  This was filmed at a concert at The Potter’s Wheel Church in Gallipolis, Ohio.  You will Rachel talking about her calling.
   You can also see a portion of their rendition of  “Feelin’ Mighty Fine”.  These video will show the love they have in doing what they do for God.
   If you have the opportunity to see them DO SO!  Better still, have your church invite them to come and share with you and your congregation the calling and message God has given to them and their concern for the youth.

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