James Crigger

What it’s like to be a Christian?

By James E. Crigger


   Being a Christian doesn’t mean the same as it used to.  In my day, it meant giving your left to Jesus.  Because Jesus was watching, you made every effort to behaving like a Christian.  You didn’t lie or curse;  you didn’t live with  a girl, you married her.  Being a Christian meant you were a Christian.
   Today,  You see someone wearing a cross and then see them behaving badly.  The cross they wear is a piece of jewelry.  A cross should be a reminder of a Savior who died for your sins.  A Savior who rose again.  A Savior who rose from the dead so you too can rise up from sin.
   What’s it like to be a Christian?

   Is being a Christian just a word or is it THE WORD?  What does being a Christian mean to you?  Think about it.  When you say ‘I am a Christian” are you behaving like one?  Does someone see Christ in you or do they think “if that’s a Christian, I don’t want any”. 
   For myself, I’m kind of tired of seeing it.  Christianity means if I die tomorrow I’m Saved and I KNOW that I will wake up in Heaven.  Can you say that?
   If you know you are Saved then you know you’re a Christian and you won’t have any trouble knowing What it’s like to be a Christian.
   This is a short article about a big subject.  Think about it.  What is it like to be a Christian?  Are you behaving everywhere like a Christian. Or are you only being a Christian in church.

Hand Being Nailed.
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