Jackie Lamb is the newest member of Heirline and is certainly an asset. He sings Tenor and has become, I’m sure, an integral part of the “family” group. Ernie Dawson, the leader and chief mentor has been going through some major health issues and is being tried in the “fire” so to speak. When I interviewed Jackie, his primary concerns were of Ernie and the group. This is quite admiral in a time when many would seek to “blow their own horn”. Heirline has been singing for around 30 years and have been in full-time ministry for about 15 years. Jackie has been with The Heartland Boys Quartet and The George Armon Webster Trio. Jackie has quickly gained favor among Heirline’s fans.
As Jackie mentions in the interview, Ernie Dawson is an accomplished song writer. Jackie mentions one of the songs which is a favorite, “Don’t Weep For Me” Jackie also mentioned a song on their new album that was written by a 12 year old girl from Alabama. I couldn’t decide which was best, so I decided to play the one written by the girl from Alabama. I Trust you will find this choice to be as up-lifting as I do.
PLAY: Press On
I’m sure you would like to know even more about Jackie Lamb, Ernie Dawson and the whole family. You can do this by checking out their web-site at www.heirline.org. You’ ll find a lot there that will help you recognize that Heirline is a true ministry, not just a singing group. I’ve said it before and I guess I’ll repeat it, it is so refreshing to see young people becoming involved and interested in Southern Gospel and Country Gospel Music. If the youthful fans and artists fall away, then Gospel Music might fall away. This is why ministry is so dependent on the calling of The Lord to bring new generations into the Family of God as well as His music family. We must encourage this as much as we must encourage witnessing to others the joy of our Salvation. If we show JOY and are excited about music and especially about our SALVATION, then there will be no worries about our faith declining. God is not the author of doubt or depression. God is the auther of Faith, Joy, Hope, Charity (LOVE) and a belief that it is a divine trait we humans have to Love and FORGIVE! The name Heirline itself signifies the belief that we are Heirs to the Kingdom of God. Jackie Lamb, Ernie and the family of Heirline are grateful representatives of Jesus Christ and spread that message in every concert, every song and every opportunity they have to share what God has done for them. I’m sure that Ernie is praising God for what God has brought him through and what God will bring him through the good times and the bad.
To hear Jackie Lambs’ interview, just click below!