Do You Believe in Miracles?
by Jennifer Berry
Do you believe in Miracles?
Do you believe that God can do Miracles?
Yes God can do Miracles . I was a Miracle.
A year ago, I was really sick. I had been to doctors and hospitals and doing lots of tests.
The doctors couldn't find out what was going on . I was in a lot pain and lost a lot of weight. I couldn't go anywhere. I was so sick.
I prayed to God and in my prayer, I was leaving everything in his hands. I was still going to doctors and doing tests. There were a lot people who asked me how could I deal with my sickness. I told them I never give up, I keep looking up and trusting and believing on him and I kept the faith.
Well my doctor asked me “if this specialist doesn’t take you then what would you do”? I told him I would cross that path when it comes.
I went home and went to my room. I prayed all of that Friday. I got a phone call and was told that I had a doctor’s appointment in Pittsburg.
All the way there I prayed. The doctor came in and asked me what was going on. I told him. He said “I can fix you”. I looked up and said: “You can fix me”? He said yes. I just need to do three more tests. Then I will fix it.
I started crying: “praise God”!
I had my test and then had my surgery. After surgery, they put me on life support. There were times that I wasn't breathing. They didn't know If I would pull through.
But I woke up! I didn't know what was going on. My mom told me what happened. They tried to take me off life support but then had to put me back on because I wasn't breathing.
Well! A few days later I woke up again and they took me off of life support. I pulled through. I praise God that He is in my life and for all the prayers that everyone prayed for me.
God still does miracles today! |