The Feasts
Throughout the Year



   This feast commemorates the cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem after Antiochus blasphemously sacrificed a pig on God’s alter.  At the time of rededication of the temple, only a small amount of oil could be found for use in the temple menorah.  It was only enough oil to keep the lights burning for one night.  It would take eight days to make pure olive oil.  Miraculously, the oil burned for the eight days it took to make and sanctify new oil.  In celebration of that miracle, candles are lighted and children play games with tops, which are also learning devices having four symbols, one on each side.  These symbols are Hebrew letters, which stand for “A Great Miracle Happened Here.” One letter is the symbol of Elohim (God) this is also the pattern formed by the mountains that surroundJerusalem.   

   The Feast of Chanukah will be fulfilled when believers in Christ dwell with the father of lights forever in the city of Eternal Light.
   Few people are aware of the fact that a child in the womb celebrates all of these feasts.  All pregnancies begin on the 14th day of the first month.  The fertilization occurs on the 15th day and implantation occurs within the week.  The fetus is formed in 50 days and receives its hearing the beginning of the seventh month in time for the feast of trumpets.  The fetus forms adult blood on the 10th day of the seventh month in time for the Day of Atonement when the blood is deemed acceptable.  The lungs, which are the tabernacle of the body and are the organs into which God first breathed life into Adam, are finished on the 15th day of the seventh month.  Although the child could be born at this time, there is additional time given for strength and growth, and the child is born 280 days after conception . . . the exact same period of time that exist between the first day of the Jewish year and Chanukah.   







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