The Faimily Logo

   There is so much scripture that tells us how a family should be.  In I Corinthians 11”3 we are shown that there is an order or chain of command “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God”.  The problem is that we have broken this chain of command.  
   Even in Christian families this is or can be a problem.  The man must seek his direction from Christ and follow accordingly.  The wife therefore does the same in a family.  She seeks her direction and counsel from her husband.  This order follows to the children.
   When this chain breaks, problems begin.  Christ has shown us how to be good Christians.  The husband must follow the directions set forth in the Bible and as shown by the Holy Spirit.  The husband is not to dictate, but guide.  The wife must not follow a direction contrary to the husband.  Likewise, the children follow the parents’ direction.
   This order even crosses over to police and politics.  Just as there are problems within a family when they don’t follow the rules or chain of command, these problems follow into the rest of the world.  Whether it be a job, or legal, or political.  There are rules.  There is a chain of command.
When one chooses not to follow this order, then follows disagreements, disorder, divorce.  There also are consequences when you break the order of “law and order”.  If you choose to rebel against this order, you are punished.
   What is wrong is when we do not uphold this order.  When a man does not follow Christs’ leading, there must be punishment.  This follows down throughout the family.  When one chooses to break the law, there must be punishment.
   Today, there is little punishment until one’s behavior is completely out of control.  I once heard my cousin tell her grandmother: “if you punish me, I’ll turn you in to my teacher”.  Her grandmother replied: “I’ll give you something to turn me in for”.  She then proceeded to carry out that punishment.    Children today seem to have the attitude that no one can touch them.  The parents can’t punish them; the teachers can’t punish them; the law can’t punish them.  Unfortunately, in many cases, this proves to be true.
   Without rules, there is no order.  Without punishment for not obeying the rules, there is chaos and rebellion.  Since we are in a world that seems to rebel against God, naturally, they also rebel against His rules.  This rebellion is re-enforced by the fact that punishment is either too minor or non-existent.
   If you are a husband, you must be the kind of husband God commanded you to be.
   If you are a wife, you must follow the husband’s example and be a Godly wife.
   If you are a child, you must obey your parents and expect punishent if you do not obey.
   Rules must be fair and they must follow Biblical examples.  If the rules are against God (in my opinion) you are not required to follow them.  If the rules are against God, then the chain of command has been broken.

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