
Some may say “church is already exciting”., If church is so exciting, why are memberships dwindling? Even in “mega churches” there is decline.
First of all, I would like to state that I do not believe the church is a building. The Bible says that we are the temple that God dwells in. |
In any case, we need to address the decline in church members and discover how to bring back the excitement and interest in “fellowship”.
I believe that fellowship is the key to a renewed commitment of gathering together. I grew up in a church where there was no time reference. The Holy Spirit was the factor which determined how long a service lasted. Some may think by reference to the “Holy Spirit” might make me Pentecostal (not that it matters). I grew up in a Pilgrim Holiness church.
There were times in which prayer lasted longer than most church services today. Testimonies were abundant. Prayer requests were frequent and would be prayed for immediately. If anyone was able to help, they would offer that help immediately.
There seems to be fear in some services. A fear to emotionally “praise God”. A fear to reveal the complete truth in a prayer request or testimony. A fear that one might reveal the real problem. This fear did not exist in the church I grew up in. No one judged. No one condemned. There was compassion, understanding and a deep desire to be “Christ-like”.
When you dictate what will or what won’t happen in a service, you have dictated to the Holy Spirit how, when and for how long He may operate.
If you are not a participant of a service, you probably would not get emotionally involved.
Let’s address another issue, Vacation Bible School! We attempt to make VBS exciting by providing puppets, activities, programmed scripts and pay lots of money to buy a pre-made VBS program. WHY! We know our children and a good teacher should know what makes their students excited. It’s not pizza parties, or planned VBS. It is making the story of Jesus Christ so personal and exciting and sharing how God has made your life exciting that will “excite” your students and congregation.
Jesus said to Saul (Paul): “why do you kick at the pricks”. We do kick at the pricks every time we stray from the exciting plan of salvation and the excitement that comes from salvation and sharing with others the joy that salvation brings.
We have gimmicks. We have special music. We have programs. We have prizes. The first century church had none of these things. They had fellowship. They shared with one another. They loved unconditionally. They had a “personal” relationship with Jesus.
You cannot really say that you have a personal relationship with Christ if you are not excited! You cannot be Christian if you do not love others. Even those who are not loveable need love. Hate, dis-trust, fear and division come from Satan. God brings unity.