I can remember my pastor saying this to me as well: If we are Christian, we shouldn't dwell on things. Give it to Jesus. Some of us need teachers to show us how to give it to Jesus. We have to deny ourselves, and follow after him, leaving all the earthly things behind. We should lift one another up. I felt for a long time that people in pain was more important than my little problems, mole hills, one might say, thinking Jesus needs to help them up that mountain, and I'm struggling to go up this mole hill???
We are all equally important to our Father. He cares for us all equally!!!
I don't agree that medication is a good cure for depression. The love that we need is God. Cry, because Jesus cares, talk and Jesus will listen and understand. He wants to fellowship with you!!! JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!! LOVE is GOD, GOD is LOVE, He doesn't want you do keep quiet, let GOD know about it!!!
I agree that this has been on my heart, and I haven't spoken out, our leaders must address other issues, than preaching The Gospel.
When I was younger, I would think of these thoughts. I had thoughts that no one cared, and I didn't want to be here. I remember living in a two-story house, thinking I would be gone instantly I jumped up in the cold snowy days. My brother shunned me, and my parents called me names, and said I was mental, and never gave me the support I needed. I guess I am too needy, ya know; I believe this to be so.
On a brighter and aha note, GOD wants me to use that emotional need to draw closer to Him, so He can show me that wonderful plan He has for me.
This is a brainstorm; I didn't change anything I wrote in response to your article. So it's a little here and there, possibly all over the place. lol |