I’ve read this parable many times over the years. When I read it this time I started thinking of all the things we accumulate like books, DVD’s, cd’s, etc... How many times have we filled up a bookshelf, cabinet, or even a barn and thought to ourselves, like that rich man, I have no more room to put anything I need to build it bigger and better to hold all my stuff. Using myself as an example, we have many DVD’s and the collection of cartoons, tv shows, and movies keeps growing. Our shelf is full and has no more room. We don’t watch many of them anymore and they are just collecting dust. Instead of building more shelves we should just sell them, give them away, or even donate them. Someone else can get some good out of what we’ve enjoyed and we would now have space for something new. Something else we need to be careful of is letting these things we collect becoming idols and not put them before God. Books and DVD’s can become idols just like money or a person. God wants us to put Him first and He will provide everything that we need. |