The Mattingly Family are not only a fine example of ministry and mission but are also fine examples of Christianity. I have gotten to know them very well. First at the Northern Gospel Sing in Indiana, but more so when we got together at the 2012 National Quartet Convention. I would like to think, at least as far as my family and I are concerned, that The Mattingly Family and The Crigger Family have become “Friends”. By all standards, they are an average family. The difference is that they minister at over 300 dates a year. Their children are home schooled and they travel extensively. They truly have given all to the service of The Lord. Believe me, when you travel that much, it isn’t for the money. But God does provide the needs of His children. Ruth Ann and Jonathan, on the surface are quite different. But yet, they share the Spirit and Family Values we all could use more of. I guess I am a little prejudiced in my praise for them because I can truly say “I know them”. In this business it is rare for the media to become close to the artist because primarily, all you do is an interview maybe once a year.