Inspiration From Behind The Lens Concluded!

   Wouldn’t it be great to know what is going to happen to us tomorrow, next week?, even next year?  That’s not the way God works. He wants us to trust in Him for our protection. In His word he says that He clothes the sparrows and the flowers in the field and even in his glory Solomon was not clothed as well as these. He takes care of the animals of the Earth and keeps them fed. So why wouldn’t he do this for us? Sometimes things happen in this life that are hard but God has a plan for us. If you are like me I want to know what’s happening, when, and how. I want everything to work a certain way and get frustrated when it doesn’t. Someone doesn’t show up for work, a loan doesn’t go through like you hoped and then all your plans are “ruined”. I have a hard time letting go of things and letting God take control, but that is something God wants us to do. He has promised to take care of us. He didn’t say it would always be easy, or we would always be rich, but He did say he would take care of us. If we just hold tight to His word and trust in Him we will one day receive that eternal reward of life forever with Him in heaven.

The Light
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