Three Things Hurting Parents Need to Hear: Medicine for Your Sickened Heart By Dena Yohe |
I’m the mom of a daughter who’s struggled for over ten years with addictions, self-injury and mental health issues. At times I felt like I was living in the middle of a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. The road has been rough. The path is steep. The nights are long. The days are full of agony. My shame has been great. My guilt has been heavy. Sadness infected every area of my life. Have you experienced this too? |
1. You are not alone. We need to say this to ourselves repeatedly until we believe it. This desperate situation isn’t happening only to you and your family. You’re in good company. There are thousands of parents all over the world who suffer with children in turmoil just like you. But we're embarrassed, so we keep it a secret. We stay to ourselves and remain isolated. It only makes the journey harder and more intense. |
Remember, this experience with your son or daughter is a lot like a long-distance foot race. At times you think you catch a glimpse of the finish line, but it’s elusive. You can’t quite get there. Some days you feel like you're not going to make it. You’re weary and worn. |