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ANDY: He actually just stepped on my foot with his boot on. And it hurts really badly. |
KEVIN: Andy’s usually our drummer. He just started singing with us about two months ago or so. We used to keep him caged up in the very back right there behind the drum screen, behind the drum because he’s too wild to let out.
We’re slowly letting him branch out a little bit but, he’s still, he’s usually the one that causes any trouble that we have. He usually likes to go and be a little mischievous sometimes. He’s really awkward sometimes too. He has awkward conversations that nobody understands but him. His nickname, we have nicknames for everybody in the group. His nickname is “Kid”. He’s like the big kid in the group. He acts like he’s a five year old kid. And we can’t give him candy or mountain dew or anything. He gets too hyper! So yes, I can vouch. The quiet one over here is the wild one.
JIM: All right! That’s great. I have one back there too. Overall, he’s maybe not so quiet but he’s kind of wild. I notice your outfits are totally reminiscent of Hank Williams Jr. or that type.
Is there a story behind that?
TIM: Well! Yes there is. You know, we started out as a gospel quartet, a southern gospel quartet and we changed a few members. We had a tenor singer that kind of had some health problems. That’s when I found Kevin. Of course, I’d seen Kevin and known Kevin for most of my life. He started filling in for the tenor and finally replaced him because he had health problems.Then, our base player kind of, he went a seperate way. So we turned out to be a trio. You know, we had this kind of country sound and we were out playin’ one day and I just told the guys, now you guys, let’s take the suits off and go back to what we normally wear. So we’re just wearing and do a show. Either people are gonna like it or they’re gonna hate it. But, let’s just be who we are in God and let’s just go with it.
JIM: Amen! That’s what we all should be, who we are and not trying to se somebody else. Tell ;us how to get in touch with you or how to get some of your product?
KEVIN: The easiest way to find us, you can visit our web site at www.silvercityband.com. It’s got links to all our music, all our contact information, all our booking information is on there. Pretty much, any information that you might want to find. They can find on our web site. We have testimony videos on there of all the members of the group. We have a ton of stuff. Music videos, links to our music. We actually have free downloads of songs too. There’s a free IPhone APP that you can get from our web site. There’s all kind of stuff. Again that’s www.silvercityband.com.
JIM: Continued blessings on your ministry. The one thing that is good, and hopefully this is encouraging. The way you guys dress and the look you have, I think you can reach a different audience and a different type of people than the traditional Gospel Music groups. Even different people than Southern Gospel and even Country Gospel might reach.
You have an appeal to another generation. I think that’s great! God bless you.