Reflections on Life
by Bev McCann

   Fall dropped by and ole man winter blew on in… let’s get out the coats… Wait it’s only October, where is FALL???   Just kidding I hope we get a few more days of our lovely Tennessee fall weather…. Please…

   You think that might be what some people might saying when the Rapture takes place? … What happen to the warning season?  You know that what they were saying when Noah built the ARK.  Why are you building that?  You crazy old man, it’s not going to rain!  As in the days of Noah so shall it also be…………just a note to think about.  ?


   I have been on the road for several days traveling the roads from Tenn. to California... it is a long drive folks.  Giving me a lot of time to think (now this could be dangerous LOL) and see many of Gods wonderful and awesome creations of his handiwork.   I think we take for granted so many things that God has given us and I think that we also forget how great and magnificent that God really is.
   I have been studying the scriptures on Healing, Yes Healing.  God is still the healer of our bodies, minds and most of all our souls.  Why do we say we believe Gods word and yet short change ourselves as a child of the most high God, when it comes to healing?  Do we doubt that God will heal?  Or do we doubt that God can heal?  I have asked myself this question many times over the past several weeks while studying these scriptures out.  I hope I can encourage you this month to exercise your faith and allow God to do what he loves to do, and that is to show out.  From the Old Testament to the New Testament the Word of God tells us that He want to heal our bodies.  Why do some people get immediate healing and other do not?  That is still the unknown, however I do believe with all my heart that God wants to show out if we’ll let him and BELIEVE He will. 

   Faith is an action… Mark 11:23, tells us if we speak to the mountain….. BELIEVE in our heart and Doubt NOT that that mountain has to move and we can ask what we will and it shall be done. 


   Now we have to also remember that Death is going to come and when it does that is the ultimate healing… for us to live is Christ, but to die is gain….. We will be in the presence of the almighty God.  When this day comes we have to know that God is just calling them home and their race is complete.  But I believe until then we can have health in our bones and Joy in our hearts.
   Salvation comes through faith as well… this being the first step of becoming a child of the Most High God.  If we confess and believe in our hearts …1 John 1:9, Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance…. We have got to get back to the Bible and decide if we really believe what the word of God says.  Are you really a child of God?  Or do you just want to say you are and live like the devil and hope for the best?  I’m not sure the out come will be what you are hoping for…..
   God wants to give us the best he has to offer.  It is up to us to accept it.  We have a choice to make.
   I challenge you to weigh it out. 
     A). Live for God and his principals enjoy life and have the hope of Eternal life in Heaven a place of Peace and Joy   
     B).  Live the life that the devil shows as all fun and games with no rules or boundaries, its all about me….and end up in a hell for eternity that is the furthest thing from fun and games…
   Your choice…. Faith is the key…which choice has better consequences?  Either way you will use faith…. ?


Love ya’al,  until next month… sing a new song unto the Lord for He is Greatly to be Praised!


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