What God’s Word Says
by Rev. Jim Crigger


   Franklin H. from Columbus, Ohio writes:
“I had a conversation with a fellow Christian about ”The Gifts of The Spirit”.
   He said that “The Gifts” are no longer available to today’s Christian.  He said that when the Disciples died, it was all over.  What does The Bible say?
   Well, Franklin, this is a subject that has been of great contention among some denominational doctrines.
   If we truly accept the Word of God as God’s direction, we must then believe what it says.

   If the Gifts Of The Spirit were only to be given to the Apostles, and if the power which comes from these gifts died with the Apostles, then how do we explain the scripture in this next paragraph?
   “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” Romans 11:29.  God does not take away.  If these gifts died way back then, it would seem to contradict this scripture because, at the death of the Apostles, the gifts would have been taken away.
   I am positive this scripture will not settle things within the minds of some, but I choose to abide by an old saying: “God said it, I believe it, and that settles that.


Mac L. of Circleville, Ohio writes:
   ”Someone told me that the Christmas Tree was a paganistic ritual.  Where is this found in the Bible”?
   Well Mac, this scripture seems to refer to or include what we now call The Christmas Tree.  It is found in Jeremiah, 10”3.  It reads: “For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”
   Many say this applies to the fashioning of a idol.  Is the Christmas Tree an idol?
   I ask you, when you hear such songs as “Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree” which honors the tree itself; when the tree and the gifts are more closely associated with the holiday Christmas, rather than Christ.  Santa Claus is allowed to be on our Postage Stamps, but Christ and Merry Christmas are not.  Is the Christmas Tree an idol?  It would seem so when we honor the tree and not Christ.
   In your own heart, you may not look at the tree as an idol, or worship it.  You may not worship the tree, it’s true.  However, the Bible defines sin in this manner;
James 4:17 “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin”.
   A while back, I was told that Pat Robertson even shared with his audience that the Christmas Tree was a paganistic practice.
   You may continue according to your own feelings, but I would suggest that you seek God, and do accordingly.





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